InterestingFacts: A McDonald's Superfan Has Eaten Over 34,000 Big Macs

 Close-up of a person eating a Big Mac.

Credit: Cate Gillon/ Getty Images News via Getty Images

A McDonald’s Superfan Has Eaten Over 34,000 Big Macs

In a tradition that first began over 50 years ago on May 17, 1972, Wisconsin’s Don Gorske has consumed upwards of 34,000 Big Macs — and counting. While Gorske originally ate, on average, a whopping (no Burger King pun intended) nine Big Macs per day, he has since scaled back to about two a day. Gorske claims that in those 50 years he has only missed eating a Big Mac on eight days. The previous record for Big Macs eaten in one lifetime was 15,490, a number that Gorske smashed back in 1999 and has been dwarfing ever since.

Note:  The above comes directly from their website.  Click here to read more.


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