HistoryFacts: Gerald Ford was the First President to Change His Full Name


Gerald Ford was the first president to change his full name.

Famous Figures

Gerald Ford will forever be in the history books as the 38th president of the United States, but he first entered the record books under a different name. He was born Leslie Lynch King Jr., making him the first president to completely change his name. He did so for a good reason: Ford’s father abused his mother, Dorothy Ayer Gardner, and even threatened to murder her and her infant son after Ford was born. Gardner separated from her husband a mere 16 days after her son’s birth, fleeing first to her sister’s home in Oak Park, Illinois, before settling with her parents in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Gardner married Gerald Rudolph Ford shortly before her son’s fourth birthday, and it wasn’t until he turned 13 that he found out Gerald wasn’t his biological father. Though he was never technically adopted, Ford formally changed his name to Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. when he was 22. William Jefferson Blythe — better known as Bill Clinton — similarly changed his name at the age of 15, though in his case he took his stepfather's surname and kept his own first name.


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