HistoryFacts: George Washington Won Most of His Military Battles?


Photo credit: Interim Archives/ Archive Photos via Getty Images

Myth: He Won Most of His Military Battles

Washington is often touted as a military genius and expert strategist, but he actually lost many battles to the British during the American Revolution. In fact, of the 17 Revolutionary War battles the general was present for, he won six, lost seven, and four ended in a draw. His unparalleled reputation was earned by the battles he did win, including the Battle of Trenton and the Siege of Yorktown, the latter of which was the decisive battle of the Revolutionary War. As commander of the Continental Army, Washington displayed resilience, determination, and leadership, and earned the respect of his soldiers and the rest of the country, who in turn selected him as the first President of the new nation.

Note:  The above comes directly from their website.


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