InterestingFacts/Bananas are Curved Because They Grow Toward the Sun


Original photo by Vanessa Loring/ Pexels

Bananas are Curved Because They Grow Toward the Sun.

Considering most fruits have a spherical or ovate shape, the average banana’s long, curved appearance is something of an anomaly. This unique curvature is due to a scientific concept called negative geotropism, where the stem flexes upward as the plant grows, rather than being pulled straight down by the forces of gravity. While most fruits simply absorb sunlight and grow downward toward or into the earth, bananas begin to curve as they strive to find sufficient sunlight to fuel their growth. This has to do with the unique presence of photosensitive hormones called auxins, which influence how bananas react to light. 

Some bananas grow in lush rainforests with dense canopies, which can obscure the fruit from getting enough light. In these cases, bananas will grow toward the sky to break through the light-blocking canopy. But negative geotropism still occurs even in other environments where there’s plenty of direct sunlight. The auxins are distributed unevenly along the side of the banana facing the sun, triggering accelerated growth on that side and causing the fruit to curve away from the earth’s gravitational pull. 

In the very early stages of development, bananas actually grow at a straight downward angle, only developing their signature shape later on. As the fruit matures, it will begin to flex upward in search of additional sustenance. But even as this happens, gravitational forces will continue to pull the banana down toward the ground and away from the sun. This combination is what ultimately gives bananas their distinct curve.

Note: The above comes directly from their website.


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