Give It Away By Josh McDowell


Give It Away

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Be rich in good works and . . . give generously to those in need. 1 Timothy 6:18

THE PHONE RANG late one night after the man, his wife, and their three small children had already gone to bed. The man rolled over, stretched an arm out of the tangle of sheets, snatched the phone receiver out of the cradle, and said a groggy hello.

It was an old friend calling from several time zones away. "I'm sorry for calling so late, old buddy, but I just had to give you something."

"Give me something?" The man lifted himself up on his elbows and sat back against the headboard of his bed. His wife sat up and turned on the light.

"Yes!" the caller explained. "Back when I was in college, I promised myself—and God, I guess-that I would give something away every single day of my life."

The man in the bed was awake now. "You what?"

"It's not always a big deal," the caller said. "Sometimes I give a quarter to a kid who lost his money in a candy machine, or I give a book I've enjoyed to someone I think will like it. But for the past fifteen years, I don't think I've missed a single day."

"You've given something away every day for the last fifteen years?"

"Yup! But I haven't given anything away yet today, so I thought I'd call you."

"What are you going to give me over the phone?"

"Well, old buddy, it may not be much, but it's something." The caller then read a short poem, explaining the godly influence his distant friend had had on him. When he stopped reading, silence hung between the two men.

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