Brain Transplant By Josh McDowell


Brain Transplant

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:5-11

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2

How would you like to be smart-really smart? Picture this: You wake up one morn­ing and find you have suddenly become the most brilliant person alive. Yesterday you were struggling to master fourth-grade math. Today you're being offered jobs around the world as a rocket scientist.

That sudden rise to total smartness is what happens to a guy named Charlie in the story Flowers for Algernon (and an old movie called Charly). Thirty-two-year-old Charlie is gentle and friendly—but not very smart. He can read and write—well, sort of. He knows he isn't as bright as people around him. In fact, in the story there's a white lab rat named Algernon who in some ways seems more intelligent than Charlie.

When Algernon undergoes an experimental operation, the rat becomes a genius among mice. Charlie Gordon goes through a similar operation and also becomes a genius. But the results aren't all pleasant. Along with superintelligence comes self-centeredness, distrust, and a habit of arguing with others, traits Charlie had never shown before the operation.

When Paul says in Romans 12:2 that God wants to change the way we think, he isn't saying we should have brain surgery. God isn't looking to spike our brain power and turn us into members of a geniuses-only club. He wants to change us into people who think more and more like Jesus.

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