What God Has Joined Together By Josh McDowell

 What God Has Joined Together

Bible Reading: Mark 10:1-9

They are no longer two but one. Matthew 19:6

GOD PATIENTLY EXPLAINED his plan to the archangel Michael. "I will cause the man to fall into a deep sleep," he said, "and then I will take a rib from his side and make a companion for him ... a woman."

"Uh-huh." Michael blinked as if he'd just been told a joke that he didn't get.

"Don't you see, Michael?" God said. "The woman and the man will be husband and wife. They will become one."

Michael's mouth slowly dropped open. "Oh," he said, drawing the word out into a long expression of realization. "You will make them one," the angel repeated. "A unity. The man. The woman."

God smiled and nodded. "A unity. A reflection of my nature."

"So," Michael said breathlessly, "although they are two, they will be one. Just as you are three in one." His eyes sparkled with exhilaration. "You will allow them to experience unity, just as you are one! What a brilliant plan! A generous plan!"

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