“Insulating” Yourself by Josh McDowell

               “Insulating” Yourself

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-11
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11, NIV

IF YOU READ yesterday's devotional reading, you learned about a thirteen-year-old diabetic named Bailey. When Bailey first discovered that she had diabetes, she learned that because her body was no longer producing insulin, she would have to give herself shots of insulin. Without the insulin, her body could not convert her food into the energy she needs to do the things thirteen-year-olds like to do.

Every morning before she eats breakfast, she gets a needle and puts first one kind of insulin into the needle (the kind of insulin that acts quickly) and then another kind (which acts slowly). Then she pokes the needle into either her arm or leg. Then, in the evening, before supper, she has to do the same thing again.

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