Go Figure! By Josh McDowell

 Go Figure!

 Bible Reading: Romans 13:8-10

When you love others, you complete what the law has been after all along. Romans 13:8, The Message

IN THE MOOD to amaze your friends and astound your family? Well, then, try this simple (but cool) trick:

  1. Choose a number-any number.
  2. Double it.
  3. Add twelve to that number.
  4. Divide your new number by two, then subtract your original number.
  5. Now add one.

What answer did you come up with? Seven, right? If you followed the instructions at every step, your answer will be seven. It will always be seven. Whether you start with 1 or 500 million, you'll always come out with the number seven. Always. Every time. That's how the problem is designed. You can't miss as long as you do the math right. Go ahead, try it with another number!

To Read More Click Here 


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