Dances with Angels By Josh McDowell


 Dances with Angels

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:43-48

You have heard that the law of Moses says, "Love your neighbor" and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:43-45

RAYBANN AND SOLOPLEX, two of heaven's angels, exchanged high fives. "Yyyyyesss!" Raybann shouted. He grabbed Soloplex and started twirling him around and around in a dizzying dance of celebration in the thin air above the earth. "Did you see that?" Soloplex shouted. "Whoosh!"

They turned and peered together at the scene below them. The Israelites stood, high and dry, on the banks of the Red Sea. They had just crossed to freedom and safety as Raybann and Soloplex, under instructions from God, had rolled back the waters of the sea. The Israelites had hurried across the channel on the miraculously dry ground, while the armies of Egypt pursued them on horses and chariots. Once God's chosen people had safely reached the opposite shore, Raybann and Soloplex released the water, and the entire Egyptian army had been drowned in the returning waters of the sea, prompting the delirious celebration of the two angels.

Upon their return to heaven, however, Raybann and Soloplex were summoned into the presence of God. They were shocked to find the blinding light of his face dimmed and his expression sad.

"Is the Holy One not pleased with our success?" Raybann asked, bowing before God's throne with his face to the ground.

"You rejoice," God said. It was not a question.

"Your people are delivered, and their enemies are dashed to pieces," Soloplex reported.

God looked at his two messengers, and the sorrow in his expression turned their white robes to gray. "The work of my hands is sunk in the sea, and you rejoice!"

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