1 + 1 = 1 By Josh McDowell

 1 + 1 = 1 By Josh McDowell 

Bible Reading: Genesis 2:15-24

This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Genesis 2:24

Do not commit adultery. Exodus 20:14

ALEX USUALLY HATED science class, so he hardly paid attention when Mr. Brooks started the demonstration. Mr. Brooks was saying something about "sodium" and "unstable" or something when suddenly there was a loud POP. Alex jumped a little more than the students paying attention and heard Mr. Brooks say, "And that is how violent just a small amount of pure sodium can be."

Cool! thought Alex, who was now paying close attention to the science teacher.

"Then there is chlorine. In its pure form, it is a poisonous gas, and only a small amount would kill all of us."

Wow, thought Alex. Explosions and poison gas. This is cool.

"When we combine the two ..."

Here it comes! It'll blow your guts out while it poisons you!

"We get plain old, everyday table salt." Mr. Brooks held up a glass saltshaker. "The salt you sprinkle on your popcorn and French fries is sodium chloride, a combination of these two elements. Combining the two makes each much more useful to our everyday life."

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