How to Get There From Here By Josh McDowell

How to Get There From Here

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:57-64

I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your statutes. Psalm 119:59

IT'S HARD to have any sympathy for these oddballs:

Girl genius Lotta Graymatter graduated from the university and entered law school at age twelve. But in seven years of law school, Ms. Graymatter has failed every class she has taken. "Law books are so heavy, and they don't have pictures," Lotta explained to her disappointed family. I’ll just have to become a lawyer my own way."

With his dying breaths, a scientist dictated to his assistant, Sinus Naselmeister, a secret formula that would cure the common cold and surely win Naselmeister a Nobel Prize. After typing the formula into his computer, Naselmeister shut down the machine and began experimenting. His best medicine so far is a cough syrup that tastes so bad even lab rats won't take it.

You can't become a lawyer if you don't read the textbooks and pass the bar exam. And you can't develop a cure for the common cold if the formula is rotting on your hard drive.

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