Filling Up the Train to Heaven Josh McDowell

 Filling Up the Train to Heaven Josh McDowell 

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 3:9-16 [The Lord] does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent. Peter 3:9

''I'M REALLY not interested in hearing how special God thinks I am," Megan pro­tested. "People who focus on themselves end up totally selfish. I can't see how think­ing about me helps me glorify God and show the world how great he is."

God wants you to see yourself like he sees you: lovable, valuable, and useful to him and to others. But why? Is it just to make you feel warm and fuzzy? Could he possibly want to feed your selfish side? No and no. God wants you totally convinced that you are loved and valuable because he has a far deeper purpose for fixing your faulty self-image-but it's because he has work for you to do.

You might not realize this incredible fact about yourself: You are God's gift to the world. If that wasn't true, you'd just be taking up space. God could have zoomed you straight to heaven the moment you trusted Christ. The fact that he chooses to have you hang around on earth even after you belong to him proves that you have a distinct purpose for being here.

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